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Thursday, October 5, 2023

10+Best WordPress SEO Plugins

10+Best WordPress SEO Plugins

Hello friends, today we are going to talk about – 10+Best WordPress SEO Plugins About SEO WordPress Plugin . Friends, if you are a blogger, then you must know a lot about SEO and even if you don't, you must have heard about it somewhere. 

Friends, as you know it is not easy for a website to rank in Google search . Without good SEO, no website can rank in the search engine. Friends, a good web hosting helps a lot in increasing the speed of the website , which helps in SEO and ranking of the website.

But apart from this, there are many other factors which are very important for SEO of your website and its ranking, so friends, today we have brought for you information about Best WordPress SEO Plugin related to SEO, if you also If you want to know about this topic, then read this post till the end. 

Friends, when many new bloggers start their blogging journey , they create their first blog on “ blogger.com ”, or people who are new,

But they have a little knowledge about blogging, so they create their blog on WordPress. Friends, if you are also new to blogging and want to know what is better between Blogger and WordPress, then definitely read this post - Blogger . Vs WordPress, know which platform is better

Friends, if you are a blogger, then you must know about SEO, but if you do not know, then before knowing about the best WordPress plugins, let us know what SEO is. 

What is SEO (What Is SEO)

Friends, the full form of SEO is “ Search Engine Optimization ”. It helps in getting free organic traffic search results on a website or the right results in search engines.

Friends, in this you have to optimize your website properly. So that our website can come to a right position in Google search results and our traffic can increase.

So friends, you must have understood about “SEO”, let us now know about the  Best WordPress SEO Plugin , using which you will be able to do SEO of your website very easily.

  • Best WordPress SEO Plugin  

    Friends, at present WordPress is a top blogging platform in the whole world . Where you can enhance your website with the help of the best WordPress SEO plugin. With its help, you can add many features and functions to your website.

    Friends, today I am going to tell you about some such great plugins which are absolutely free, and will prove to be very beneficial for your website, with the help of these plugins you will be able to optimize your blog easily . 

    Today in the internet world, you will find many options which confuse the new bloggers, friends, whenever you install a new plugin for your website,

    So once you get the correct information about it and read its description, make sure that the plugin here is trusted .

    So friends, let's start without any delay-

    Top 11 Best WordPress SEO Plugins


  • . Rank Math 

    Friends, first of all let's talk 

    Friends, you can easily download and activate this plugin by going to the plugin section of WordPress. Millions of people are using this plugin, let us tell you that we also use Rank Math plugin for SEO of our website. It is very light weight, advanced and very easy to use.

    • With the help of Rank Math, you can easily set your SEO, Title and Meta Description. 
    • Here you can easily set your social media description. 
    • Can generate XML Sitemap. 
    • You can easily do SEO of images. 
    • It gives you many types of suggestions in the article, like interlink suggestion etc. 
    • Here you also get the facility of Search Console. 
    • With its help you can easily analyze keywords.
    • It supports multiple keywords simultaneously.
    • It also monitors 404 errors in the website. 
  • Rank Math WordPress SEO Plugin is known as an excellent all-in-one SEO plugin, in this you get to see many such features for free, which are not available in other SEO plugins. Are paid. 

  • 2. Yoast SEO 

    Friends, if we talk about this WordPress plugin, then it is considered to be the oldest and one of the best WordPress SEO plugins. Which you can easily install and activate for free by going to the plugin section of WordPress. 

    Friends , seeing its performance , today millions of people are using Yoast SEO to do SEO of their website. It is very easy to use, if you have some knowledge of search engine optimization, then you can manage it easily. 

    • With the help of Yoast SEO, you can easily customize the title. 
    • With its help you can add meta description to your pages, posts and text. 
    • You can create it on the side of your website.
    • You can easily edit .htaccess and Robot.txt files. 
    • You can add Schema to your website. 
    • You can apply Focus keyword. 
    • URL Parmalink can be made SEO friendly.
    • Here also you get the facility of Search Console.

    3. All-In-One SEO 

    Friends, if we talk about this plugin, then as its name suggests, it is All-In-One SEO Plugin . Which can prove to be a great plugin for SEO of your WordPress website. Friends, more than 20 lakh bloggers use this plugin. 

    This plugin is an advanced SEO plugin, which you can easily download and activate by going to the plugin section of WordPress. 

    • You can easily create Google News Sitemap. 
    • You do this by creating RSS content. 
    • It helps in doing local SEO for the website. 
    • You can easily create Smart XML Sitemap. 
    • Can do Social Media Integration. 
    • With the help of this plugin you can do TruSEO On-Page Analysis. 
    • You can also create Video SEO Sitemap. 
    • It also helps with your WooCommerce SEO. 
    • Here you also get to see Robots.txt Editor. 
  • 4. WP Meta SEO

    Friends, WP Meta SEO is a very powerful and great feature SEO plugin. With the help of which you will be able to do SEO of your WordPress website very easily, here you will get to see all the features of search engine optimization, which you can control from its advanced Dashboard. 

    • With the help of WP Meta SEO plugin you can generate XML, HTML Sitemap. 
    • Here you also get to see Google Knowledge Graph. 
    • With the help of SEO Health Monitor Dashboard you can see your site health. 
    • Canonical Link can be created. 
    • Robot can do rule setting. 
    • You can see 301 Redirect. 
    • Meta Tags – You can add Title Tag, Meta Description. 

    5. SEOPressor

    Friends, SEOPressor is a Fast , Powerful and Simple plugin, with the help of which you will be able to easily do SEO of your website. Let us tell you that its premium plan is also very cheap, which anyone can use. You can also use it in your multiple websites. 

    Let me tell you, this plugin can prove to be a perfect plugin for new users, because in it you   get the facilities of  SemantiQ Density Analysis ,  Over Optimization Check , Progressive LSI K/W Engine etc.

    • Can easily generate XML Sitemap. 
    • You can easily do this for homepage SEO. 
    • The facility of Google Knowledge Graph is also available. 
    • Local SEO can be done easily. 
    • The facility of SEO Health Monitor is also available. 
    • Automatic Smart Linking can also be done. 
    • Canonical Link can also be created. 
    • Robot rule setting can also be done. 
    • Here also you can see 301 Redirect. 
    • You can also create Rich Schema.org Markup. 
    • You can also see Social Meta Graph. 

    6. All IN ONE Schema Rich snippets

    Friends, with the help of this plugin you can make your search elements more attractive . There is a short summary of your page in Google Search results, where you can add  star , ratings , writer , photos , price etc. for your post.

    • You can add Website Review section. 
    • You can add event information. 
    • You can add recipe. 
    • People can add details. 
    • You can add product details. 
    • Can add video. 

    7. Redirection Plugin

    With the help of Redirection Plugin, you can set eco-friendly redirection in WordPress website. This plugin is very easy to use, with its help you can detect 300 redirects and fix 404 errors easily. 

    • HTTP Headers can be added easily. 
    • Works as Redirect Manager. 
    • Search is Regex Compatible. 
    • Permalinks can be migrated. 
    • Can import and export easily. 

    8. SEO Squirrly

    SEO Squirrly is a Beginner SEO WordPress Plugin , anyone can use it easily. It is much less complicated compared to other SEO plugins. With its help you can write  SEO friendly articles.

    • Keyword optimization can be done easily. 
    • Competitor Analysis – Gives suggestions. 
    • You can see the Content Report. 
    • You can monitor the progress of the website.  
    • Real-Time SEO Tips facility is available. 
    • Can create Canonical URL.

    9. SEO Image Optimizer

    If we talk about SEO Image Optimizer, then it is also a great and free WordPress SEO plugin. This plugin adds  title and alt tag to your images without tampering with your data.

    Apart from this, this plugin also compresses and resizes the image , and increases  the loading speed of your website.

    • Easy and user-friendly interface is visible. 
    • You can add title and alt tag to images. 
    • Image size can be compressed easily. 
    • Images can also be resized. 

    10. W3 Total Cache

    Friends, W3 Total Cache is considered to be the most popular Cache Plugin of today. This can take the loading speed of the website to a higher level. For this you need to do a proper setting.

    The reason why W3 Total Cache is added to the best SEO plugins list is because it uses Google site load time as a ranking factor . You can improve both website load time and SEO by easily installing it on your website .

    11. Site Kit By Google

    Friends, Site Kit which is an official plugin of Google. With the help of which you can easily connect your website with Google's program Google Adsense .

    Apart from this , Google Analytics , Google Search Console , Google Tag Manager, and PageSpeed ​​Insights can also be linked with Site Kit.

    With the help of Site Kit, you can easily track the data of all the tools on your dashboard. The plugin here is absolutely free, and you can easily download it by going to your plugin section. 

t by going to your plugin section. 

Read this also :- How to do Keyword research, complete information

what we learned

Friends, through this post we learned about 10+Best WordPress SEO Plugins.We also learned about what SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization is. Hopefully, you liked this article related to  Best WordPress SEO Plugin .

Besides, you must have also come to know which SEO plugins you can use to do SEO of your WordPress website. So friends, how did you like this post, please tell us by commenting. 

Also, share this post with your friends and on social media, so that they can also know about this topic. Apart from this, if you have any question or suggestion related to this , please let us know in the comments

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